In this article, you’ll learn about 3 mind-blowing truths of Instantly Reality Shifting that can help you become whoever you want at any moment. You can instantly be whoever you want, if you truly understand how reality works and apply these three mind-blowing truths.
Before we start, I want to point out that the use of colored papers is only to help with understanding the concept. The colors are only for practical reference and have no special meaning. Similarly, the numbers mentioned throughout are purely illustrative and have no specific significance.
Let’s start now!
Understanding the 3 Truths That Help You Instantly Shift Realities: A Practice
Take a blank white paper.
Draw a stick figure that represents YOU at this exact moment.
Right now, you have a unique frequency, let’s say, generally determined by your location, time, current feelings, and beliefs. Think of it as the unique “vibe” or state of being you’re experiencing now.
Next to the figure, write:
- Your current location (e.g., standing in your room)
- The current time (e.g., 14:00 Monday)
- A few of your current thoughts and feelings
These parameters generally define your unique frequency at this moment. Let’s assign it a random number, like 222.0002 (just for illustration).

Now, stand up and move to a different place, for example, sit in another chair or just change your posture.
Take a blue paper and draw a new stick figure there, which is representing YOU at this new moment with your new frequency.
Write next to it:
- Your new location
- The new time (e.g., 14:02)
- How you feel now (you might feel more curious and excited about what I’ll say next 😉 )
Putting these parameters together, you now have a different frequency compared to a minute ago. For example, let’s say your current frequency is about 333.003.
Place the white and blue papers side by side on a desk in front of you.

Now, let’s take a third paper. This one represents you from yesterday:
- You were at a different place
- The time was e.g., Sunday at 10:00
- Your feelings were different
Your unique frequency at that moment was around 5247.00145 (just as an example)
Place this paper next to the other two.

Add more papers:
- One for you two days ago
- One for you a month ago
- One for you a year ago
- Even one for you as a child
Place them all together next to the others on the desk.

Each of these papers show a different version of you with its own unique frequency.
Here’s the first truth that blows up your mind.
Truth 1: Every Version of You Exists Simultaneously
It might sound weird, but the truth is that all these versions of you exist right now, at the same time, simultaneously.
You just experience them one by one because your consciousness is focused on one version at each moment.
You move your consciousness from one version to another in order to instantly shift realities.
Note: It is true that, on the level of your consciousness, you experience all realities one by one. However, it’s important to understand that your higher self—which is often described as the more expanded or multidimensional aspect of your being, beyond the limits of your conscious mind—can experience all versions of you and all possible realities at once.
Now, let’s move forward and make this concept clearer.
Imagine your consciousness is a shining light ☀️.
Take a small object—like a coin, a crystal, or anything nearby—and imagine it represents your consciousness. For now keep it aside; we will use it later.
At the beginning of this article, your consciousness was on the first white paper.
Then you moved it to the second blue paper by experiencing another location, feeling, and frequency.
The point is that you are NOW neither the one on the white paper nor the one on the blue paper.
You are no longer any of them because you have moved your consciousness to another version in another existing reality.
Wonder, why are you no longer any of those versions?
Then, let’s take a new yellow paper to draw you representing you in this moment, right now, and add this information to it too:
- You at 14:05
- Your new location (maybe you’ve adjusted your posture again)
- Your current thoughts and feelings

Your consciousness was previously on the blue paper. Then, you moved it to this new yellow paper, because this is what you are experiencing right now.
Place your object, the one that was representing your consciousness, on the yellow paper where you are now. It is just for the sake of deepening your understanding.
We can say:
- The other versions on the other papers are not you anymore, since your consciousness is not there anymore.
- This person on this yellow paper is you, the others are not you anymore, they are in other frequencies, and you are now in another frequency.

Did you get it?
Those other papers are other versions of you in other frequencies, and they exist right now, at the same moment of existence of this yellow paper version of you.
This understanding can help you a lot.
Let me show you one:
Think of a sad event from your past that you still hold onto.
Take a red paper and draw a stick figure, representing you on that event with its specific location, time, feelings, and unique frequency. Give whatever number you like, for example, 364789.00145.
Place this paper next to the others on the desk.

This version of you on the red paper is simply another version, existing in its own unique frequency. It is like other papers on the desk, that is no longer you.
But you used to make a connection to this red paper, assuming it’s still you. But it’s not. You are no longer that person.
Your consciousness is not on red paper anymore—it’s on the yellow paper. For simplicity, let’s assume it’s still 14:05 and you haven’t moved to another reality yet.
Stop making connections to those sad moments from your past because you are no longer that person.
That’s the 2nd mind blowing truth that can significantly help you to shift to your desired reality instantly.
Truth 2: Stop Holding On to What You Call Your Past—It Is No Longer You
What you call your past, or even your past lives, are no longer you. They are just other realities with their own unique frequencies.
Right now, you are simply choosing to stay connected to some of your versions in other realities (papers) and you call them “your past.” But in truth, they are just other existing realities that are no longer you.
Every version of you, in all parallel realities, already exists simultaneously.
Linear time is just how you perceive time by being on the earth, in this physical reality.
What we call “time passing” is just our consciousness shifting through different frequency states.
What you call the past exists right now. What you call the future exists right now. “Past” or “future”—a minute ago or a minute ahead—are just different parallel realities with different frequencies, all happening simultaneously in the now.
In every moment, you are a completely new person, you are at ground zero. Whatever past you connect to is what you experience. Whatever future you want is what you experience based on the person you are being right now.
In each moment, you are shifting to different parallel realities. You can shift to any new reality that is totally different from your current one. What you need to do is truly define yourself as you want to be from ground zero.
Now let’s move on to the third and final truth that will help you shift realities instantly.
Look again at all these papers with drawings of you, placed on the desk.
Let’s add more papers, this time with a linear time frame of your future:
- You in one hour later at 15:00
- You from tomorrow
- You from one year later
- You from ten years later
Place these new papers next to the others on the desk.
Take the light of your consciousness and put it wherever you want.
By changing your thoughts, feelings, focus, beliefs, and frequency, you are shifting your consciousness from one paper (or version of you) to another.
Truth 3: You Can Instantly Shift Realities by Placing Your Consciousness Where You Want
Shifting realities instantly is simply about placing your consciousness where you want to be in any other existing reality. You don’t need to create a new version of yourself because it already exists. All you’re doing is shifting your awareness from your current version to the version you desire, instantly shifting realities.

Principles for Instantly Shifting Realities:
These principles guide you toward instantly shifting realities and putting your consciousness to any desired reality you want:
1- Know That Everything Already Exists.
Your desired reality and desired version of yourself already exist. You do not need to create them.
Just like all the papers on the table, every possible version of you is already there. Everything already exists simultaneously.
Acknowledge it!
This truth is crucial because if you know that your desired reality is already exist, you let go of struggles effort of creating it.
If you need more analogies and examples about everything existing in the now, check out my previous article.
2- Intentionally Shift Your Awareness to Your Desired Reality
Since every version of you already exists simultaneously, shifting to any desired reality is simply about moving your consciousness to a different “paper” (a different version of you).
It’s about intentionally shifting your awareness from one version of yourself to another.
You are shifting realities billions of times per second. BUT, because the realities you choose to shift to are so similar to the one you shifted from, you don’t notice it.
It’s not just about shifting—it’s about intentionally shifting to the reality you want. You must deliberately tune your awareness to its frequency by holding on to the beliefs and feelings that represent the frequency of your desired reality.
The intention you set acts as a signal to your consciousness, guiding it toward the frequency of the reality you wish to experience.
Note: In this section, I’ve used the term “awareness” rather than “consciousness” because while consciousness refers to your overall state of being and awareness, awareness specifically refers to the process of consciously directing attention and focusing on a particular version or frequency. Awareness is about intentionally shifting your focus and tuning in to the specific reality you wish to experience.
3- Detach from the Identity of Your Current Self
Your identity is made up of the beliefs and definitions you hold about yourself. To shift to a reality where you embody a new identity, you must stop identifying yourself with the current version of yourself.
For example: Let’s say you currently weigh 80kg but want to shift to the reality where you’re 60kg.
Right now, you are 80kg and see yourself as someone who “is trying to become 60kg.”
To do so, you must stop identifying with the ’80kg You.’
This belief keeps you in the 80kg reality because you keep reinforcing that you are someone who “wants” to be 60kg but isn’t there yet.
- Never again say: “I’m trying to lose weight.”
- Never again think: “I hope to be 60kg someday.”
Instead, whenever the thought comes up, replace it with:
- “I am in the body of a 60kg person. My choices and actions reflect that.”
- “I no longer live in the reality where I weigh 80kg. I am not that version anymore.”
Note: This is NOT about “believing” something blindly. It’s about shifting your attention away from the 80kg version of you and shifting it fully to the 60kg version.
Read more here about how to Lose or Gain Weight with the Law of Attraction in my previous article.
4- Define Yourself from Ground Zero
At every moment, you are a new person.
You can instantly shift realities, jumping to any new, distinct reality compared to the one you’re in now—like jumping from your 80kg version to your 60kg version—if you truly define yourself from ground zero, free from any previous limiting beliefs or thoughts, and define yourself in the way you want to be.
You are not carrying momentum from the past unless you keep identifying with it.
You can redefine yourself instantly, without needing to “fix” the past or carrying on from the present moment to you chosen new reality. Choose whatever new thought you want.
5- Physically Act from the New Reality
Shifting your consciousness to a new reality is also about physically act from that reality.
Take physical actions closely as much as your desired version does. Get as close as you can to that you. Mock it up, mimic it, mirror it as closely as you can every day.
Ask yourself, “How can I be like this person?” then, mimic those behaviors and feelings.
Back to our previous example, you can ask yourself:
- How does the 60kg version of me behave?
- What foods does this person eat?
- How does this person move daily?
- How does this person think about their body?
Why does this matter?
By taking physical actions, you align your body with the frequency of your desired reality.
You train your body consciousness to get used to the frequency of that reality. The more real you make it, the more your brain and body will believe it. The more your brain & body believe it, the easier it will be for you to align with your consciousness.
6- Make Decisions from Your Desired Reality
Your choices determine your reality. In every moment, make decisions as if you were already living in your desired reality. Do it now. Start making decisions as if you already had your desire.
Back to our example, every single choice you make should come from the perspective of the 68kg version of you. Not from the 80kg version who is “trying to lose weight.”
Ask yourself, “What would the 60kg version of me choose in this moment?”
7- Don’t Doubt the Shift
Doubt is the main barrier that keeps you from fully experiencing your new reality. It does influence the type of reality you shift into.
If you doubt or constantly check whether you’ve “shifted,” you’re still connected to the old version of reality.
Doubt prevents you from fully embracing the reality you’re shifting to. Instead, act as if you’re already living that reality.
The moment you fully embrace a new reality, you have already shifted to that reality.
These principles form a solid foundation for instantly shifting realities. Holding on to all of them may feel challenging at first, but the more you practice, the more skilled you become at shifting exactly where you want and being who you want to be in any reality.
A Recap of the 3 Truths Behind Instantly Shifting Realities
Understanding these truths helps you to become whoever you want in each moment. If you truly understand them, you can instantly shift realities at will:
1- All versions of you exist simultaneously
2- You are no longer the person you were in your past.
3- In each moment, you can shift to any reality and be whoever you want
Side Note: Location is a property that determines the overall frequency, but the linear time, as discussed here, is not truly a property of frequency. Time is an illusion created by the mind to make sense of shifting between realities. The passage of time is just your consciousness shifting through different frequency states. In truth, everything is happening now. I used linear time in our example to make the concept easier to understand and to distinguish between different realities. However, from a higher perspective—where everything exists now—time is just an illusion of perception rather than an inherent property of frequency.
Are you interested in learning more about shifting to your desired reality? Check out my new article, ‘13 Facts That Master You in Shifting to Your Desired Reality.’ It’s mind-blowing! Here’s a summary of it; read the entire article to learn each better.
- There Are No Sequential Events; They Are Simultaneous.
- Everything Exists Now!
- Each Parallel Reality Is a Frozen Frame with No Motion!
- You Are Already Shifting; You Do Not Have to Learn to Do It!
- Déjà vu Is A Sign of Constant Shifting Between Parallel Realities
- The World You Were In Does Not Change; You Changed!
- You Do Not Create It; It Already Exists!
- You Change Your Past in the Present!
- With Each shift, You Have No Longer the Same Past as You Had
- Manipulating Vibration Can Influence Reality Shifts – A Time-Space Travel Experiment
- Every Change Is a Total Change
- You See Changes in Your Reality When You Respond Differently to the Same Situation
- You Are Already Shifting Fast Enough!
You may be interested in my playlist of short videos on manifesting your desires.
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