If you live in the now, you can enjoy every single moment in your life. Check the power of living in the now, to see whether you are living in the present moment, or if you are in the past or future.
If you want to boost your present moment awareness, here are 11 effective techniques:

1. Focus on your surroundings without judgment.
Stay for a few moments wherever you are, and look around.
Focus on the lights, sounds, smells, and details of the place where you are right now. Use all your attention.
Just be the observer and do not judge and avoid interpretation.

2. Focus on the sole of your feet.
If you feel that your mind is continuously thinking about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow, just wait for a moment and focus on the sole of your feet. Touch it with your hands. Pay attention to all details.
Then take a few slow steps. Pay attention to the feeling of the sole of your feet on the ground.
Then, you see that your thoughts about yesterday and tomorrow have disappeared, and you are in the now. This seems to be strange and fun, but it simply brings your awareness to the present moment.

3. Do one task at a time to live in the now.
When you do multiple tasks at the same time, you can not entirely focus on what is going on in your life right now. So, prioritize your activities, and pick one task at each moment. Then, put all your focus on that task.
For example, do not talk on the phone while cooking. Do not think about your tomorrow’s event when you are walking. Instead, pay attention to all the details around you when you walk.
or, when talking to others, pay close attention to them. Look at their eyes and use all your senses. Get involved in your activity, and enjoy the process of doing it.

4. Awareness Breathing.
Whenever you get away from now, the easiest and fastest way to get back to the present moment is to take three to five deep breaths. Bring all your consciousness to your breath.
I always before doing something important, at first, I take 5 deep breaths to bring my attention to the present moment. This increases my efficiency in doing that task.

5. Hold something in your hand.
awareness, another simple technique is to hold something in your hand and pay attention to its details.
Engage all your senses and feelings. This will take your thoughts away from the past and the future, and you will only be in the present moment.
I have a small heart hanger on my bracelet. Whenever my thoughts go into the past or the future events, I touch this hanger and focus on its details for a few minutes. By doing this, I let go of other thoughts. If you like, touch different items in your hand every time.

6. Use positive affirmations to live in the now.
Positive affirmations can make you aware of your situation.
Write down your own positive affirmations and put them in different places to see them routinely.
I always use this one: I live in the present moment. I enjoy every moment. By repeating your sentence loud during the day, your awareness can back in the present moment.
By sticking to this exercise, after a while, you will notice its effect.

7. Increase your acceptance ability.
When you accept yourself as you are now, you can live in the present moment easier. Accept all your strengths. Embrace your weaknesses, till your thoughts do not fill with regrets.
Go a step further: accept the people, situations, or issues which are against your will. When there is no way to change them, accepting them will give you the highest peace. Instead of denying or escaping, move on to what is bothering you and accept it.

8. Get rid of your previous sadness to live in the now.
To live in the present moment, you have to let go of your previous sad events. Forgive yourself and the other people for the mistakes.
Whenever you find yourself thinking about your past sorrows, try to look at those thoughts in your mind. Only look. Do not analyze your thoughts. Do not judge them. Just watch them, like watching a movie.
By doing this, you see those thoughts as something separate from you, not something inside you. Then they become less important to you.

9. Do not reside on your past success and happiness.
If you still talk about what you achieved yesterday, you miss the opportunity to make new achievements today. Respect your past successes, but do not dwell on them. This helps you to bring your awareness to the present moment.
Use your power to create new success and happiness in the now.
One of my friends always talks with regret about the good things that happened to him when he was a teenager. He does not pay attention to the happiness that occurs in the now.

10. Stop worrying about the future.
One day, I did a simple review of my past worries. I realized that most of them did not happen in my life at all. From then on, whenever I start to worry about something, I quickly remind myself about my previous worries that never happened.
By doing so, my mind lets go of those worries, and I can live in the present moment easier.

11. Practice, practice, and practice!
By practicing over and over again, you become a master in living at the present moment.
The ability to live in the present moment needs a lot of practice to be a master of it. So, practice these exercises every day.
To see your success, pay attention to the amount of your inner peace.
Do you want to understand them better, watch my video.
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