How your subconscious mind works
Your subconscious mind dominates your whole being. Here, I am sharing with you 7 Mysteries of the power of subconscious mind.
If you know these properties, you learn how your subconscious mind works, and you can interact with it better.
By understanding these mysteries and utilizing the power of your subconscious mind you can manifest your dream life easily.
If you know about its properties and features, you can learn how subconscious mind works.
1. The unconscious mind is very effective.

Only 5% of our cognitive activities such as decisions, feelings, actions, and behaviors are consciously formed, while the remaining 95% are performed by the subconscious mind.
2. The unconscious mind does not differentiate between reality and what you imagine.

The unconscious mind considers all of your imaginations as reality. We can use this ability of the mind to achieve our desired goals through illustration. You should review your goals many times in your mind and pretend that you have reached it, because the subconscious mind is not able to distinguish facts from fantasy, it recreates them in your real world.
Have you ever seen a horror movie in the middle of the night? Have you noticed how your heart rate increases and you sweat? Although there is no real danger, you see how your heart beating increase. In fact, the main reason for this is that your subconscious mind does not understand the difference between the real situation and what you imagine, and thinks that you are in a real danger situation.
You can use this feature to attract your desired situation. For example, when you have a talk in a big lecture hall, if you imagine yourself several times before the lecture and in the days before while you are giving a successful speech, your subconscious mind will gradually begin to believe and you will not be stressed during the speech.
3. The programming language of the subconscious mind are images.

The unconscious mind can be programmed through images. By seeing the images of our dreams in our minds, the unconscious mind understands them easier.
If you see the images with more detail and emotions, they can easily place in your subconscious mind.
I talked about this important property also in the self-hypnosis method. Visualizing your affirmation sentences helps that your subconscious mind get them many times better.
4. The unconscious mind is naive.

The unconscious mind does not have a function of logic, reasoning, or analytical power and cannot distinguish good from bad.
So, it accepts all input information without any questions. Regardless of whether the information is true or false, the subconscious mind believes and accepts them based on their repetition, and connects them to each other.
5. The subconscious mind makes your thought and expectation become a reality.

Your subconscious mind will make everything you expect, becoming true.
For example, no matter how hard you try, if you think you will fail a test, your subconscious mind will adjust your mental and physical condition to make your expectation come true.
That’s why, when you expect something good will happen to you, a very pleasant issue will happen to you. But, when you are expecting bad news or a negative causal event, you will face with an unpleasant issue.
6. Your unconscious mind is constantly finding evidence to enhance your current beliefs.

For example, If you believe that you are not good enough in your work, your unconscious mind will show you the smallest events around you as evidence of the validity of your belief.
If you believe that you are not beautiful, you are not clever, you are not a happy person – with this mindset, your unconscious mind will only show you daily evidences based on your believe.
7. To program the unconscious mind, the conscious mind should be silent.

If there is no control of the conscious mind, the unconscious mind has more power and can accept all your indoctrination.
That’s why, through meditation or self-hypnosis, you can program easier your subconscious mind, because these approaches make your conscious mind silent.
The more effort from the conscious mind, the less the subconscious mind will respond. If you make more effort by your conscious mind, you will receive fewer responses from your subconscious mind.
Watch my video, to learn more about the 7 mysteries of the unconscious mind.
You can use the power of your subconscious mind to get answers to your questions. Read my article about the Power of the Unconscious Mind.
You can also use the self-hypnosis method for reprogramming subconscious mind. Read my article about An Effective Method for Self-Hypnosis.
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