Your subconscious mind has much more power than the conscious mind. So give your subconscious mind a chance to help you. In this article, I will introduce an effective technique to learn how to get answers from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind holds powerful potential for problem-solving. Utilize this power to find answers to your questions.
To use the power of your subconscious mind, you should follow two steps:
Step 1: Ask the Right Question
The subconscious mind reacts strongly to questions. It enjoys finding connections between different concepts.

If you want to get answers from your subconscious mind and use its power, you should ask a positive question. For example, a question like:
“I am always tired and lethargic. how can I be less like that?”
This is a negative question, and you will get a negative answer, such as you are tired because you are really tired!
It is exactly like this: if you search about tiredness in a search engine, you will get a list of relevant texts about tiredness.
So your question should be written in a positive form if you want to get a positive answer.
For example, you can ask,
“How can I be energetic this week?”
This question is positive and time-focused. Here, you give your subconscious mind an extra time parameter.
One of the differences between successful and unsuccessful people is the quality and type of questions that they ask themselves.

Keep in mind this crucial aspect if you’re excited to learn how to get answers from your subconscious mind: pay close attention to the type and quality of your questions to achieve the success you aim for.

Questions have the power to deeply put your focus and thought on that topic. So pay attention to the quality, positivity, and construction of your questions.
Also, you can use this technique to improve your living conditions. For example, you can ask your subconscious mind these positive and constructive questions:
- How can I be energetic this week?
- How can I feel more successful?
- How can I enjoy my journey while improving my situation?
- Why am I a happy magnet?
- Why do things consistently work out in my favor?
These questions help you to control your energy in a better direction. Do you know why? Because:
- These questions direct your focus toward positive energy.
- Your subconscious mind begins to align your thoughts and actions with a sense of capability.
- Your subconscious mind starts seeking evidence to support this belief, influencing your perception of events toward a positive outlook.

Once you find the right question, write it down on a piece of paper. If you want to turn it into a regular exercise, then use a notebook. This notebook can represent your goals and your life plan.

When is the best time to ask your questions from your subconscious mind?
The best time to ask your questions is before going to bed.
Alternatively, you can ask your question during the day. but the most important point is that after spending time preparing your question, you then should move on to doing something else, so that your conscious mind moves away from this issue. In this case, the conscious mind does not think about it, because your consciousness is now engaged in doing other stuff. The effect is: The conscious mind moves away from your question and now the subconscious mind can work on it.
I sometimes do it before I want to cook, so I spend 5-10 minutes to think and write down my question, then I go to the kitchen to cook.
Step 2: Give Time to Your Subconscious Mind & Wait
Once you ask your question, the subconscious mind works on your question until it finds an answer for it.
Asking a question to the subconscious mind is like giving a task to the computer or running a process on your computer. Will the computer stop working if you move to another room? Definitely not. Your computer keeps working on the task until it is complete. This is the way, the subconscious mind works.
Your subconscious mind has access to all information in the world. But, this access is restricted at the conscious level for different reasons. So, believe that your subconscious mind knows the answer to your question.
In this technique of how to get answers from your subconscious mind, you should not expect, e.g., when you wake up, after 1 minute, you receive your answer from your subconscious mind. No, don’t expect an immediate response. It often does not work like this. Once the subconscious mind finds the answer, it waits for some situations to show it to you.
The subconscious mind can set everything to put you in a situation, where you can receive your answer on that particular situation.

Sometimes you don’t receive a direct answer, but you will often receive some thoughts to change your perspective about your problem.
I usually ask my question then let it go. After that, when I am watching a film or reading a book, my subconscious mind puts my focus on particular sentences from that book or a dialogue of that movie as an answer to my question.
I already studied the language of the subconscious mind used in dreams. I sometimes receive the answers to my questions in my dreams.

As you practice this method more, you will learn more about the ways of receiving your answers. Just trust more to your intuitions or other inspirations that come to you through your subconscious mind. I am sure you would find your individual way to receive your answer from your subconscious mind.
Ways to Receive Answers From Your Subconscious Mind
Generally, you may receive your answers from your subconscious mind in different forms, such as:
- Synchronicities: Have you ever noticed a coincidence that felt like it was trying to tell you something? That’s a synchronicity! They are like symbolic coincidences or signs in your environment or around you to serve as guidance, like seeing 11:11.
- Intuitions: Sudden insights or understandings that come to you intuitively, often without conscious reasoning. They might feel like a gut feeling or a deep sense of knowing.
- Dreams: Your dreams can be like secret messages from your subconscious mind. They might not always make sense at first, but they can offer valuable insights. Dreams are usually combined with signs and symbols that, in collective consciousness, have special meaning. Like going up the stairs, normally means you’ll be successful in doing your current task.
- Inner Voice: Sometimes, a little voice inside your head is exactly the answer you are seeking. It may first sound or appear as something completely new. But that’s exactly the guidance beyond your physical mind guiding you along the way.
Practical Tips for How to Get Answers From Your Subconscious Mind:
Let’s conclude this article by exploring some special tips on how to effectively tap into the power of your subconscious mind:
- Relax Your Mind and Body: Throughout the day, try to find a moment to calm your thoughts and allow your subconscious to surface. Meditation, especially walking meditation or heart-brain coherence meditation, uses the alpha state of the mind to experience deep relaxation.
- Create a Quiet Space: Choose a calm and peaceful environment when you ask your questions. It could be a quiet room, a park, or even a comfortable corner of your home.
- Write it Down: Remember that your subconscious responds better to written questions than spoken ones.
- Repetition is Key: Ask your question repeatedly. This reinforces the message to your subconscious. Try to reformulate your questions each time in another way to provide different perspectives.
- Pay Attention to Dreams: Keep a dream journal by your bedside. Your subconscious often communicates through dreams. Write down any relevant insights upon waking up.
- Stay Open to Signs and Intuitions: Your subconscious may show you answers through synchronicities, gut feelings, or sudden inspirations. Pay attention to these signals.
- Trust the Process and Be Patient: Have faith that your subconscious mind knows the answer to your questions. Just give it time to reveal it to you.
I’m sure your subconscious mind is so powerful and can help you in getting answers to your questions. Keep going, and trust in the power of your subconscious mind!
Watch my video, to get more knowledge about how to get answers from your subconscious mind. It’s a great method.
You can also use the self-hypnosis method to program your subconscious mind. Here you can find it: Effective Method for Self-Hypnosis.
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