10 Practical Ways to Shift Your Mindset from Limited to Limitless
These methods help you to break your limiting beliefs, stop limiting thinking, and shift to a limitless mindset.
If you realize you have a limited mindset that holds you back and limits your growth, follow these ways to shift your mindset to a limitless one and to overcoming limiting beliefs:
1 – Question your belief.

The first step to shifting a limited mindset is questioning your belief.
Sometimes you choose to hold a limiting belief without even questioning it, where it comes from, or whether it is true for you.
So whenever you observe you are holding to a limiting belief, take a moment and question that belief. Maybe you feel those questions seem wired, but they can help broaden your perspective on that belief.
My story:
There was a time when I had a daily headache, and all people around me kept saying that because I was working too much with the computer, I was getting a headache, and soon such a definition became my own belief. I started to say to everyone, uh, today I have a terrible headache because I worked a lot with a computer. One day I told myself: who said that? Is that correct? It can’t be correct because some people around me work longer with a computer and they do not get a headache. Can this belief be true?
Once I doubted that belief, it was no anymore my belief and not a definition of my life. For me, it seems to doubt that belief, and questioning it helped to lose all weight of that belief.
2 – Start with small changes.

To change your mindset, you can start with small changes every day. For example, if you limit yourself, you can’t run long distance, start with short runs and increase it day by day. Then the definition of this limiting belief will change for you.
Read my article on how I overcome procrastinating.
3 – Follow your inspiration.
When you follow your inspiration, you will be in a place where you are beyond that limited person you had in your mind.

My story:
There was a voice inside me that said I can’t learn to play a new instrument; I am too old for that; I should do that once I was a child. But one day, I got inspired by a violinist. I followed my inspiration, took a course, and played for over 2 years and a half in a group. If I did not follow my inspiration, I would still hold the limiting belief that I can’t learn to play a new instrument. But now, after this experience, I believe I am always young to learn to play a new instrument.
4 – Collect false evidence that disproves your beliefs.
When you find yourself holding a limiting belief, try to find false evidence that proves your belief is wrong. Remember that A + B can be anything.

We are most of the time programmed by the people around us that achieving that specific goal is impossible.
For example, people around you, like your family, friends, colleague, or the training background in school or the university, shape a limiting belief for you, which may not necessarily be true.
Example of limiting beliefs:
- No one in your family could ever do that.
- Achieving these two things together is impossible.
- There is no way to get rid of that specific sickness.
- This is impossible to get a score of 1 on that subject.
One day, you may find that these beliefs are your own. One of the best ways to shift your mindset in this situation is to find false evidence about that belief.
At one time in my life, I searched for testimonials of people who could heal themselves by just doing meditation (e.g., heart coherence meditation). No one in my family, friend, or college could heal themselves, but all other testimonials I found over the internet helped me change that limited belief.
My story:
Most people have always told me when you work with a computer for many years, your eyes will be weak, and soon you’ll need to wear glasses. I found myself one day that I accepted this belief, and I was limiting myself about that. What I did was think about one of my colleagues who was working all day with a computer, and he never used a glass. He was, for me, evidence who disapproved this limiting belief.
5 – Know your responsibility and stop blaming others.
There are things in life that we may blame others for being a reason why we are so limited and we can’t be successful as we want to be.
For example:
- My parent didn’t help me to build my own business.
- My colleagues did not help, that’s why I could not finish the task correctly.
- My friend causes me to have low self-esteem.
When you are free from this victim mentality, you will find the power to change your limited mindset and tune into limitless.

Stop blaming others and take responsibility for everything that is going on in your life. This helps you stop making excuses for having that limited mindset. So, change your mindset change your life.
6 – Accept the challenge and get out of your comfort zone.
If you want to break your limited mindset, you must take action and leave your comfort zone.

My story:
Learning a new language is hard, and we limit ourselves so that we can’t learn a new language easily as adults. I am in a situation where I can easily speak English (which is my comfort zone), but I realized I was limiting myself and said over and over again, sorry, I can’t talk in German. What I did was: I accepted the challenge of learning the German language even though I had a lot to do with my work. Then day by day, I try to go out of my comfort zone (talking in English) and start talking in German with people around me.
7 – Choose your words wisely.
Whenever you find yourself saying:
- I can’t do it.
- This will never work for me.
- This is impossible for me, and so on,
Stop yourself. Change your self-talk and choose words that truly reflect your being. Words are powerful tools for changing your mindset.

8 – Keep believing in yourself that you can do it.
If you do not believe in yourself, you will always stay in that limited mindset that keeps you away from experiencing the life you deserve.
Believing in yourself, you are capable enough to do that, to learn it, and to make it. Shift your mindset to a level where there is no self-doubt there.

9 – Use affirmations.
Affirmations can change your vibration and help rewrite your subconscious beliefs.

My story:
I had a time when I needed to write a new method in my study. There were moments that I thoughts, uh, I can’t find it out, and my mind stopped working. At those moments, I started to say loud: I can do it, I can do it, I can do it. After a few minutes of saying those affirmations, I felt that all my brain’s nerves were changed, and I could find it out how to write my article.
Using affirmations has a great effect on your conscious and subconscious levels and helps changing your mindset.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to reprogram your subconscious mind, read my article.
10 – Adopt a new belief.

It’s time to create new beliefs to express your true self and make room for a new empowering version of you.
Clearing limiting beliefs requires self-compassion, and it is always a work in progress.
Choose a new belief and stay focused on it, till this new belief overwrite your previous limiting beliefs.
What new beliefs are you going to create? In what way will they express your true self?
Remember that your beliefs will be your reality, so why not adopt new beliefs like:
- Finding a good job is easy.
- Miracles are everywhere and available for me too.
- A+ B can be any wonderful thing.
There are more ways to change your mindset. Here you learned 10 ways to shift your mindset. Choose those ways that work best for you, but keep practicing them more and more.
If you want to learn more about how to shift your mindset toward limitless, watch my video:
Stay tuned for more mindset tips.
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