The law of attraction is a powerful principle that if you apply it in your life, can manifest your dream body. Here I’m showing you how to use the law of attraction weight gain or weight loss. Let’s dive more into the power of manifestation.
Are you ready to go on a 21-day challenge for manifesting your dream body? Just subscribe to my mailing list group for manifesting your dream body, and I’ll guide you step by step to lose or gain weight.
Manifest Your Dream Body: The Law of Attraction Weight Gain (Weight Loss)
Have you ever wondered why some people are always at their ideal weight, despite how much food or which food they eat?
Can you imagine this world for yourself:
- Eat whatever you want.
- Eat as much as you want until you’re full.
- You never feel hungry.
- Your weight is always constant and ideal.
Would you like to step into this world once and for all, and stay in it?
Then, stay with me, and I’ll show you how.
These steps are very simple. If you follow them correctly, you will be amazed at the miracle that happens to you.
Until now, you may have blamed your weight issues to genetics, or perhaps you believed the problem is related to your bone structure. Maybe you attributed your overweight issue to your last pregnancy, or did you point to your thyroid gland for your thinness?
You’ve carried these misconceptions for years. It’s time to put an end to them and acknowledge that the real influence on your weight, whether over or under, lies within your thoughts and mindset.
You have to accept the fact that whatever you eat or not, it does not affect your weight.
Accept that what you eat, or don’t eat, isn’t the main factor affecting your weight. It’s your mindset that has the most influence over your body, not the food itself.
“Your mindset dominates your body, not the food you eat.“
Before we begin, it’s important to note that this article is relevant for both those aiming to use the law of attraction for weight gain or weight loss. Although I’ve primarily addressed it to those looking to lose weight, the principles apply to people who are thin and looking to gain weight as well.
So, let’s explore these 16 steps and 19 practical exercises to achieve your desired weight with the help of the law of attraction.
Step 1: Want Your Dream Body with Determination
The first step to use the law of attraction for weight gain or loss is to truly want it. You should really WANT your dream body with all your being.
You would truly want your dream body if you feel tired of feeling dissatisfied with your weight for so long? It’s time to tell to yourself, “Enough is enough and I’m going to change it.”
For me, the vision of a world where I eat everything I want, I do not starve, I do not follow a strict diet, and I am always at my ideal weight, was so excited for me and motivated me that I aim to make it real for myself . That’s why I consciously applied the law of attraction to manifest my dream body and create this beautiful reality for myself. Now, I’m sharing all these steps with you here.

To manifest your dream weight, the first and most important step is that with all your beings, you want to lose weight and be thin- or gain weight and be always in a good form. If you truly want it, I’m sure, you would do all your best to manifest your dream weight and you will follow the next steps and exercises that I am showing you. If you do not have a strong will for this desire, and you only WISH to have it, you’re dwelling in an illusion.
With all your being, decide now and WANT to make your desire weight come true. You can turn it from a wish into a reality. Be sure, this is possible with the law of attraction.
To increase your willpower, I have a specific exercise for you. But before going through that, let me to ask you a question: How many times in your life you have started to achieve something but you did not get your desired result? Did you blame yourself for being a loser? If so, know that, the reason for not being succeed is you had an amateur level of determination. The good news is that gaining willpower is learnable just like anything else. So, turn your amateur willpower into a pro with this exercise:
Exercise 1- Encourage yourself to have strong willpower for weight gain or loss
To encourage yourself and increase your willpower with the help of the law of attraction weight gain or weight loss, I suggest you follow one of these approaches:
- Prepare a board and some small pieces of paper. Each time you complete an exercise designed to manifest your dream weight, or take a step towards your goal, attach one of those papers to your board. If preparing a board is a challenge, simply stick those papers in a place where you’ll see them regularly.
- Alternatively, you can set up a piggy bank. Put some coins in it every time you complete one of the exercises. Later, use this collection to reward yourself.
By doing this, you’ll keep yourself motivated. It has a positive impact on your willpower because each time you attach a paper to your board or a coin in your piggy bank, it serves as a reminder that you’re making progress towards manifesting your dream body. You’re proving to yourself that you have the determination and willpower needed to manifest weight you dream of.
This board or piggy bank shows how committed you have been so far. It gives you a greater sense of accomplishment and can motivate you to keep pushing harder and strengthen your willpower.
If you are using a board, I suggest you write an encouraging message on each paper. For example, write:
- I’m proud of myself for being able to do this exercise.
- Well done
- keep going.
- I am on the path to manifest my dream body.
Every time you stick a paper on your board or a coin to your piggy bank, take a moment to close your eyes and imagine that your willpower has grown stronger than the day before.
After a while, when you look at that board or piggy bank, you’ll feel a sense of pride in your determination, persistence, and increased confidence. You’ll come to believe that your willpower strengthens every day, and indeed it does.
The next 18 exercises that I’m sharing would have a big effect on achieving your dream weight. You should have the willpower to follow them and make room for these exercises. So, I suggest you to first make a list of your daily activities, and try to drop two or three less meaningful ones, and replace them with the exercises in the following steps.
Step 2: Find Your Inner Resistances in Applying the Law of Attraction Weight Gain (or Loss)
Let me first explain a simple truth: Your conscious mind is like a small part, let’s say 1/10, while your subconscious mind is the larger part, let’s say 9/10.
If your conscious mind wants one thing but your subconscious wants something different, it’s the subconscious that usually wins.
So, if you in your conscious mind want to be thin, but your subconscious wants you to be fat, your subconscious desire will come true because it has 9 times more power than your conscious mind.
If you consciously want to be thin but now you are fat, then the problem is rooted in your subconscious mind. So you need to find the reason why your subconscious mind has such a desire.

With that in mind, I want you to think about why your subconscious mind wants you to be fat (if you have an overweight problem) – or thin (if you are too skinny). These reasons are the inner resistances that hold you back from manifesting your dream body. Here, I’ll show you some general examples:
For those people with overweigh issue:
- Your subconscious mind has the task of protecting you. To do its job, it may want to keep you fat to protect you with extra layers of shield around your body.
- On your subconscious thinking, maybe you believe that if you are fat (and big), you can show yourself to others as a strong person, not naïve and weak.
- In your conscious mind, you want to lose weight, but your unconscious mind wants you to have overweight because, whenever something goes wrong in your life, you can blame it on your overweight problem.
For those people who are so skinny:
You hold on to some beliefs in your subconscious level, because you think they have benefits for you. For example, let’s assume you are now a skinny person and insist to hold on those beliefs that keep you skinny because you are getting these benefits:
- If you are skinny, you will not attract attention from others, so you feel more comfortable.
- You feel you are not mentally strong, and you want this to reflect on your body so others will treat you with compassion.
- If you gain weight, people around you might be jealous and may become your enemies.
- If you were to be fat, you might attract attention that you don’t know how to handle, so being skinny is the easier choice.
- A skinny body ages slower than a fat body, so you benefit from staying youthful.
- Subconsciously, you may believe that fat people are all sick, so your subconscious mind prevents you from gaining weight to avoid illness.
- Or, your subconscious mind wants you to attract sympathy, pity, and more attention from others.
These were just a few examples; you can find more examples of inner resistance in my previous article. You have to find your own inner resistances. Only, if you know them, you can work on them.
My resistance to gain weight and not lose weight:
I finally found my inner resistance to being fat:
My subconscious mind – for whatever reasons from my past – believes that one day, food might become scarce, leading to famine. So, it wants to store extra food in my body. This way, if there comes a day with no food, my body can use the stored reserves.
One day I was shopping in a supermarket. I realized that I was buying a lot more things than I needed to store them at home because I was afraid of famine and holding to the lack mindset. At that point, I realized that my body is doing the same by eating more food than I need regularly. I always force myself to eat the last few bites of my food, even when I’m full. I’m afraid that these foods will be digested quickly and I will be hungry again a few hours later and then I will not be able to find another food to eat again.
If you are interested to know more about subconscious mind, read my previous articles about “7 Mysteries of the Unconscious Mind” and “Using the Power of Your Unconscious Mind“.
You should find your inner resistance in your unconscious mind that does not let you manifest your dream weight and body. To do this, follow this exercise:
Exercise 2 – Find your inner resistance of being fat (or too skinny)
Take a piece of paper and write this question in the middle of it:
My subconscious mind: Why do you want to be fat?
(if you are too skinny, write: My subconscious mind: why do you want to be thin?)
Then write down all the answers that come to you. Just write them, do not resist, do not analyze, do not judge. Do not be afraid and just be honest. Our goal here is to recognize your resistances rooted in your subconscious mind, so write anything that comes to your mind.
Step 3: Pay Attention to Your Self-talk to Successfully Apply the Law of Attraction Weight Gain (or Loss)
Before taking further steps in manifesting your dream body, you need to find out what your self-talks and self-definitions are.
I remember before I started my dream-body manifestation process, I often told myself, “why am I so fat”. “I’m always fat.” “Uh God, why do I look so fat?”
My inner voice always echoed: “I am FAT”. When I think at all times that I am fat, it means that I am sending out to the world the frequency of being fat and the world returns the same to me.
My inner voice told me I am fat, and I always kept that definition. And as a result, I was always fat.
One of the laws of physics says that our energy and thoughts have a magnetic characteristic. That means they attract similar things (in the same frequency).
The point is that when your inner thoughts keep saying you’re fat, you send out the focused frequencies of being fat. Then according to the law, you can only attract a fat body.
So, you need to carefully listen to your inner voice to recognize which type of energies and frequencies you are sending out to the universe because you are attracting what you are sending out.

Exercise 3: Listen to your self-talk and take notes
Put a blank paper on your desk. During the day, pay attention to the things you say to yourself, and listen carefully to your self-talk, especially about your weight and body. Whenever you catch one of these thoughts, quickly write it down on the paper.
For example, when you’re eating, you might hear a voice inside saying, “You eat so much even though you know that you are fat.” Or when you see yourself in a mirror, a voice inside might say, “Look at how big my legs are.” You’ll have these kinds of thoughts at different times during the day. Just be patient and try to fill up that paper on your desk in one or two days.
By paying attention to these self-talk, you will understand more about how you are defining yourself and which beliefs you are holding about yourself. At this point, let’s only discover them. Just write them down for now.
Step 4: Analyze your Definitions
If you have paid attention to your inner thoughts and made a list of them, then we can assume that you’re now aware of your own beliefs about yourself. Now, it’s time to rewrite and redefine them. But before you do that, you need to analyze them. To help with this analysis, let me introduce you to three categories of definitions:
- Induced definition: This means the definition was instilled in you by others and is not your own definition.
For each definition you wrote down in the previous step, ask yourself: “Is this definition really my own one?” If you look closely, you might realize that you hear that definition for the first time from other people in your family or friends at school. And due to their repetition, you have gradually instilled that definition in yourself, and now you believe that this definition is your own. But, now you are taking conscious step toward manifesting your dream body, so, it is time to re-evaluate them. - Wrong definition: This refers to those definitions that now with your current knowledge and awareness is longer accurate.
Some of definitions about yourself that you used to hold to them, right now are not true anymore. You might have formed these beliefs in the past when you didn’t have a clear understanding of life or yourself. If you pay close attention to them, you’ll see that, with your current knowledge and awareness, those definitions are no longer valid. For example, you might formed a definition about yourself is that your arms are ugly. Is the criterion you set for ugliness still valid? - Contradictory definition: This means, this definition is against manifesting your dream body; it’s the opposite of what you’re aiming for.
From the list of definitions you’ve already prepared, even if some of them are accurate and truly your own, holding onto them makes you far from attracting your dream body. For example, if you constantly keep the definition that you are fat, you cannot manifest a thin body. So, at this step, identify all the definitions that are contradictory to your dream body manifestation. We will redefine them in the next step.
Exercise 4: Analyze the definitions of yourself for Successful Law of Attraction Weight Gain (or Weight Loss)
Take the paper you prepared in the previous step. Mark each sentence with one of three categories: induced definition, wrong definition, contradictory definition.

Step 5: Rewrite and Redefine
It is very clear that the definitions that we marked in the previous step as induced, wrong, and contradictory need to be rewritten and redefined if you want to manifest your dream weight (lose or gain weight).
To do this, I suggest the following exercise.
Exercise 5: Rewrite your definitions to successfully apply the law of attraction weight gain (or loss)
Now it is time to redefine the definitions that you have analyzed in the previous step.
For those sentences that you marked them as the contradictory definition, write the opposite definition in front of them. For example:
I’m fat. – opposite definition – I’m thin.
For those sentences marked by wrong definitions, write your correct definition in front of it. For example:
My arms are very ugly. – wrong definition – My arms are so beautiful and sexy.
For the definitions that have been induced to you, write in front of them that they no longer dominate you. Write:
I will not allow this definition to dominate me anymore.
We will refer to this list later in Step 10.

Step 6: Be in Peace with Your Body
You may have put your body under a lot of suffering so far. You hated it. You hide it on many occasions. You felt ashamed of your body. You got upset with it. You let your body starve by various diets.
Stop doing these things NOW.
It’s time to stop all of that and start being kind to your body from today.

Be at peace with your body. Accept it as it is. Love it. Be thankful that your body has worked for you properly and in perfect health all these years. When you send love to your body, your body will be in perfect harmony and beauty for you.
Exercise 6: Send love to your body
Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and just think about your breathing. Go to your heart center. Extend love from your heart. Send this feeling to each part of your body with each inhale and exhale. Let this love reach your legs, arms, abdomen, and all parts of your body. Love every part of your body. Be thankful for them. I suggest doing this exercise for ten minutes daily.
Let love do magic for you.
Step 7: Boost Your Belief in Your Ability (YOU CAN DO IT)
Do you truly believe you can achieve your desired weight? Do you believe that you can always maintain your ideal weight?
If you don’t believe it, then the law of attraction won’t work for your gain weight (or loss). Do this exercise to boost your belief that YOU CAN DO IT:

Exercise 7: You can gain weight (- lose weight)
Help yourself to accept that this is possible: reaching your dream weight is possible.
Can you remember a time when you were at your ideal weight?
⇨ If yes, then believe that it’s possible again and now you can have your dream weight again. Since you had it once in the past, so now, you can have it again.
Believe: it is possible again.
Find a photo of yourself from that time and make several copies of it and place it in front of the mirror, on your desk, and in the places where you spend most of your time. I even suggest you put this photo as your mobile wallpaper. Doing this exercise is very important so that when you see yourself at this desired weight again and again during the day, your mind will gradually adopt the believe that you can be on your desired weight again. Doing this exercise is very important because it reminds you many times per day that this is possible. It was already possible and it can happen again, like before.
⇨ If not, is there anyone in this world who is in your age and size but with your favorite weight? If so, believe that if something in this world is possible for that person, it will be possible for you, too. If you can, take a picture of that person and place it in different places of your home.
Every time you look at the photo you have chosen, tell yourself:
I believe this is possible and I can achieve it.
Write it down and repeat aloud:” I CAN DO IT“.
Step 8: Find Your Limiting Beliefs about Weight Gain (Weight Loss) and Let the Law of Attraction Work for You
In your subconscious mind for years there has been a belief that the calories in food make you gain weight and be fat. Over the years, with thousands of training programs in the media, you have believed that if you eat a lot, you will gain weight.

Have you ever wondered why, if these thoughts are true, most diets, diets that force you to eat less, do not result in losing weight for many? Why many diets fail or their results only stay for a short time?
Let’s look at this example:
A construction worker burns around 350-400 calories per hour at work. So, in eight hours, they burn about 2800 calories. A typical person consumes about 2,000 calories during the day for other physical and mental activities at the rest time or at night. So, a construction worker consumes about 2800 + 2000 calories a day. To get back those calories, the worker would have to eat more than 4,800 calories a day, which is a very, very large amount. But they don’t do that because heavy meals would make it hard to work. So, in your general belief, if they burn so many calories a day but do not get it back, they must be very, very thin, because they can not cover their daily calorie intake. However, most construction workers aren’t thin. With this example, I wanted to warn you that calorie patterns and their metabolism, and their relationship to whether you are fat or thin are not entirely accurate.
Maybe you are also focusing on other limiting beliefs. For example, being fat is genetic, if your family members have overweight, then you will automatically become fat. For years, with this limiting belief, you programmed your subconscious mind to do it for you. Have you ever seen that in a family where all of them are fat, there is a thin family member? So why that person was not under the genetics of that family, maybe this is not a genetic issue at all.
The issue is related to your mindset and beliefs you hold on.
Watch my playlist about limiting beliefs ( a collection of short videos) that I show them cutely.
Exercise 8: Identify your limiting beliefs to apply the law of attraction weight gain (or loss)
Write down a list of limiting beliefs you have; those beliefs that hinder the law of attraction work for your weight gain (or lose weight). We need this list in Step 10.
For example, your limiting beliefs might be:
- Foods with lots of calories make me gain weight.
- Eating too much makes me fat.
- Not being active and not burning calories makes me gain weight.
- No matter what I do, I always have extra fat on my belly.
- Because of my genetics and no matter what I do, I am fat
You might be interested in reading my previous article: 9 Signs You Have a Limited Mindset
Exercise 9: Prepare to let go of your limiting beliefs
Your limiting beliefs have dominated you for years. It’s time to show yourself that you don’t want them to control you anymore. To get rid of your old and wrong patterns, follow Louise Hay’s advice: say out loud several times a day:
I am willing to release this pattern and this belief.
For example, say: “I am willing to release all patterns and beliefs about the calories of the foods.”
When you say this out loud many times, your higher self will guide you towards solutions to let go of these beliefs. All you have to do is affirm that you no longer want these beliefs to control you. Then just trust yourself and wait for the changes.
Don’t wait any more. Sign up now for my newsletter (for the group manifesting your dream body) and take part in a 21-day challenge. You deserve to have your desired weight.
Till now, you have learned about 8 steps and 9 exercises to use the law of attraction for weight gain or loss. The remaining 8 steps are in my next article.
Read Part 2 (the next 8 steps) of manifesting your dream body.
Download this free checklist to manifest your dream body.
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